Today I am going to introduce you to my two best friends. These are they two girls that I go to with every relationship problem I have. I cannot tell you how many times they have seen me cry, scream, or worry about a boy. It happens weekly, but regardless of the frequent messes I get into they are always there to help me sort everything out. So here they are...
(Makayla) (MacKenzie)
Everyone meet Makayla White and MacKenzie Wilson..the best friends in the entire world. I don't think you guys understand how much these two girls mean to me. We have spent countless nights just sitting on MacKenzie's kitchen countertop until 2 or 3 in the morning assessing life and relationships. We often got into really deep conversations about what it was exactly that we were looking for in a man, and what we expected out of a serious relationship. One night Makayla showered us with her wisdom. She said, "I have given this a lot of thought, we talk about what we are looking for in a man a lot and never really examine ourselves. I think that we should attempt to BE the person we are looking for." A lightbulb went off in my head when I heard these words! Be the person you are looking for. I mean it seems like a pretty obvious statement, but how many of us can say that we live by this philosophy? I sure can't.
As we sat there contemplating the statement of pure genius, we began to pick it apart. Now, obviously we aren't talking physical appearance here, we are talking more about qualities and mannerisms. For example, let's say you are looking for a clean cut, well behaved man with good moral values and you are this girl who is notorious for sleeping around, partying until the sun comes up, who could careless about anyone's opinion of her or what she does. Sounds like the perfect match right? Absolutely not. The way I see it the only man you will find in that state of mind is someone equally as bad as you or worse. It is unfair for us to have such high expectations for a potential partner when we aren't living up to such high standards ourselves.
I don't know what you are looking for in a relationship nor am I trying to tell you what to look for. I am simply giving you the chance to ponder something that I myself have been pondering for a while now. Maybe its time for a little self evaluation...
Are you being the person you are looking for?
Stay true to you. Be♥YOU♥tiful.
-The Heartbreaking Hipster